The Presidential Inauguration of 2017 was one of the most unique experiences I'll ever have in my life. It was an amalgamation of people gathered for one of two reasons: to support or to protest.
The entry to the first security checkpoint was lined with singing protesters. The protest groups between the two security checkpoints were usually angry. One group had a stage and megaphone with a chanting crowd below. Numerous protest groups were present, often with cell phones broadcasting live, or even traditional media recording the events.

Something that did not make it into the photos was the changing mood of the crowd. It changed depending on who was shown on the big screens lining the National Mall. If a Democrat was on screen, the crowd would often "boo" them or yell negative comments or offenses at them (though, the offenders were too far away to hear). If a Republican was on screen, the crowd would cheer or clap for them. It felt like an electric current was running through every person and bonding them as one. The video gives an idea of what it was like. There were long stretches of silences, but sometimes the crowd would unexpectedly begin to chant, cheer, or boo.
At one point, I felt the urge to cheer myself, not because I supported who they were cheering for, but because the mood in the crowd was so invigorating I felt I had (almost) no choice. I resisted the urge. I was fascinated that it was even there. I usually pride myself in my ability to act logically, but this was something else entirely.
View of the Capitol Building before the inauguration began. People were still filing in to find a place to sit or stand.