I appreciate moments in time that are still and quiet. I look for them everywhere I go.

Those empty spaces, regardless of size, often have forgotten things. Abandoned buildings, items covered in dust and cobwebs, plus other signs of human neglect. My formative years took place in a town that was constantly changing, but the echoes of the way things were are still there. Historical photographs are a valuable resource for knowing how things truly looked at the time. I think of my work as an ongoing historical record of the things I've seen, and I am grateful that I can create a record of those things before they truly disappear.

There are two common themes within my film and digital work: structure and decontextualization. I use light and shadow to my advantage, take an unusually close look at things to see what they really look like, and often choose unusual perspectives.


October: Literally Local Art Gallery

- https://www.instagram.com/literallylocalart/


Member & Founder of The Great Oak Grove

- www.thegreatoakgrove.com


          March: Washington.Org (Photography)




June: Website (Design & Photography), Logo Design


- https://www.thereduxgroup.com/


February: Current.Org (Photography) - http://current.org/2015/02/filmmakers-subjects-testify-to-value-of-independent-documentaries-on-pbs/


September: Washington Business Journal (Video Production) - http://www.bizjournals.com/washington/blog/top-shelf/2014/09/baked-wired-heads-to-mt-vernon-triangle-district.html

August: Washington City Paper (Photography) - http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/youngandhungry/2014/08/15/district-doughnut-opens-fridays-evenings-throughout-august/

May: District Doughnut (Video Production, Writing) - http://www.districtdoughnut.com/blog/2014/5/5/guest-video-the-making-of-district-doughnut

February: Media That Matters (Photography) - http://www.cmsimpact.org/media-impact/conference/rap-reports/media-matters-2014-rapporteurs-report

January-June: Latin Pulse (podcast series - 24 episodes) - http://latinpulse.blogspot.com


November: Diplomatic Pouch (Photography) - http://www.washdiplomat.com/PouchArticle/cms/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=149

October: Sutradhar's Market (Writing) - http://sutradharsmarket.wordpress.com/2013/10/22/gbss-gender-biased-sex-selection-in-india-and-china/

September-December: Latin Pulse (Podcast series - 13 episodes) - http://latinpulse.blogspot.com


June: Sean Salyards (Photography) - http://seansalyards.tumblr.com/post/25204357289/to-finish-off-the-spring-series-of-the-strongest

June: Sean Salyards (Photography) - http://www.seansalyards.com/?attachment_id=304

May: Mason Cru (Camera Operations - 9 videos) - http://www.masoncru.org/what-were-about-videos.html


May: MasonCru.Com (Photography)

February: Focus Group (Photography) - https://focusgroupgmu.wordpress.com/tag/megan-ekhaml/

January: Sean Salyards (Video Editing) - http://seansalyards.tumblr.com/post/4103226030/conge-impudence-and-butterflies