Time to play catch-up! Over the winter break, I got to see my long-time friend Melanie. I hadn't seen her in five years! It was so good to see her and spend time catching up, and of course, we couldn't pass up a good opportunity for a photo shoot.

Time to play catch-up! Over the winter break, I got to see my long-time friend Melanie. I hadn't seen her in five years! It was so good to see her and spend time catching up, and of course, we couldn't pass up a good opportunity for a photo shoot.
This summer is bringing a few changes for me. Two of my dearest friends are moving out of the country for the next two years. I am excited for them, but I will also be missing them the entire time they are gone. We spent some quality time in DC before they left.
This past weekend, my beautiful friend Kristal got married! I'm so happy for her, and I'm glad I was able to be a part of the festivities. For her bachelorette party, she and her bridesmaids went on a photo shoot with me around the DC monuments. A big storm was supposed to be coming in that night, but instead, the sky was beautiful, and we all had a blast.
A couple weeks ago, I spent a week in Nag's Head, NC. It was great to get away, relax, not worry about deadlines, and hang out with some very awesome people. I'm proud that I managed to not get sunburned the whole time! We spent some time at the sand dunes in Kill Devil Hills, NC. We jumped over people and watched the sunset.